Bio2 - Natural CO2 Enrichment

Kit Includes:
1 x 3/16" Joiner
1 x BiOVision Bubble Monitor
2 x Distribution Hose
3 x Bio2 CO2 Enhancement Pack
1 x Instructions
You will need:
15 L warm water
20 L Bucket
20 L Bucket Lid
4kg Sugar
1. Mix well 15L of 30-35°C water with 4kg sugar and 1 sachet Bio2 CO2 Enhancement in 20L sealable pail. Fill Bubble Monitor with water to fill line.
2. Drill Hole and attach 3/16”joiner to bucket lid. Firmly seal lid on container and attach Bubble Monitor with short hose supplied. Place bucket in garden or attach long hose to back of fan for even distribution. Replace every 7-10 days.
1. Raise bucket off cold floor to maintain consistent heat
2. Use of a heater may assist with colder environments
3. Use one kit per 5’x5’ area
4. Do NOT turn off your fans. Bio2 is so cost effective that worrying about turning off your fans to lessen product waste is not a concern. Leave your ventilation system running as it is if room conditions are proper
What is BiO2?
BiO2 is an all natural CO2 enrichment program that has been proportioned for use within small environment grow rooms. By small we mean 10 x 5 or less. It is the perfect solution for use with all tents and grow boxes to avoid the high cost associated with bottles and meters. The deployment method works well within the grow room environments and provides many benefits. When the light(s) come on and raise the room temperatures the BiO2 reaction happens in earnest which results in optimum production levels during the day which is when the CO2 is beneficial. Then, once the light(s) go out, the reaction begins to slow which is when you do not require CO2 enhancement, thus resulting in optimum CO2 conditions. All this occurs naturally via the BiO2 System and the standard temperatures maintained in indoor garden environments.
Another benefit of the BiO2 System is the low cost and low maintenance required for installation and use. On average, one packet of BiO2 Biological CO2 Enhancement is used per week to maintain optimum levels within your 175ft3 grow room. If you purchase a BiO2 Bucket Kit everything you need, except sugar, is included and you may begin to garden with CO2 as soon as you get home. If you purchase a BiO2 Starter Kit all you will need is a sealable 20L container and sugar to begin CO2 production in your garden as soon as you get home. The ease with which you install the system makes gardening with BiO2 a breeze. Anyone can use the system following the simple instructions provided in each Kit or available online at
An optional BiO2 Accessory Kit fills out the line for the BiO2 Biological CO2 Enhancement System. This kit provides the essentials for maximizing the ease with which you may utilize the BiO2 system. The kit includes a bucket opener and a light weight rubber mallet, to minimize damage caused from weekly replacement of the BiO2 packets, a stir stick, a pre-cut PVC tape strip to make a full seal on the bucket, and a stick-on liquid crystal temperature gauge to ensure proper start up conditions.
The greatest advantage of the BiO2 Biological CO2 Enhancement system is the harvest increases and overall health benefits to your favorite plants!
No heat!
No electricity!
No humidity!
No smell!
All natural CO2 production
Energizes for one week on a 5’x 5’ x7’ grow room(175ft3)
CO2 may increase harvest weights by 40%
CO2 makes plants more pest and disease resistant
Your plants will love you for introducing them to BIO2